Private Basketball Training

At South Shore Sports Center, we understand that mastering basketball requires dedication and focused training. Private lessons are a powerful way to fast-track your development, offering tailored instruction that addresses your specific needs—something that’s often hard to achieve in a team setting. Our personalized coaching focuses on refining technique, enhancing decision-making skills, and boosting confidence.

Each lesson is crafted to be not only intense but also enjoyable and rewarding. Through a mix of competitive and progressive activities, our sessions challenge players technically, tactically, physically, and mentally. We ensure that every session is appropriate for the player’s age and skill level, taking into account the unique developmental needs at each stage of growth.

By the end of a course, players can expect significant improvements in their chosen areas of focus, paving the way for greater success on the court. Whether you’re starting out or looking to elevate your game, our private basketball lessons provide the expert guidance you need to excel.


50 Minute Sessions:

Number of Sessions Cost
1 Private $95
2 Privates $190
3 Privates $285
5 Privates $500
10 Privates $700


50 Minute Sessions:

Number of Players Cost
2 Players $115
3 Players $135
4 Players $170
5 Players $200

For more information or to schedule an introductory meeting, email us at or call us at 781-740-1105.