We are thrilled to announce GLOW’s first Fall season in partnership with Select!

Clinics run for 4 or 5 weeks for girls 5-12yrs. They comprise skills and drills, scrimmaging, games, great music, unparalleled coaching, and tons of fun! At GLOW, we believe that character and personal development allow for faster player development, and we saw that come to light this past summer during our “mini-clinic” launch with Select. We will also be running GLOW Winter clinics, which begin in December. More information to come.

Program Details

Into the GLOW

GLOW clinics are for young women ages 5-12 yrs. We do not compete with town lacrosse. We are also not affiliated with any other club lacrosse organizations. We offer clinics across neighboring towns where all are welcome to mix things up! We encourage players from different towns, levels, and backgrounds to come together and find common ground at GLOW. GLOW is a community. You are signing up for a team where perfect strangers on Day 1 could be your best friends for life.

Our Philosophy

GLOW’s curriculum comprises fast-paced skills, drills, small scrimmages, and fun games. We have created an environment that perfectly blends healthy competition and fun. Our coaching philosophy is based on four essential pillars for your daughter to reach her full potential.

Inclusion, Progress, Kindness, and Hustle.

The coaches at GLOW have played at the highest level. We bring both expertise and energy. We push you to try your best each week. Lacrosse is a highly competitive, challenging, and often cutthroat sport, but it doesn’t have to be. We have coaches for the more advanced players and coaches to work with beginners. Whether you are new to the game, looking to get faster and stronger, or want to make friends, we are here for you! What you put into GLOW is what you get out of it. We tailor our clinics based on the different age brackets and experience levels in each class. We want to ensure you have a fantastic, fun and challenging experience.

What to Expect

Each session is 1 hour. In addition to skills and drills, we like to incorporate fun games and team bonding activities, which will allow the girls to really get to know each other and thus feel more comfortable and confident.

We ask that you bring a mouthguard, goggles, water bottle, and a stick. There have been so many positive changes to the womens’ game, one of the biggest being equipment. There are great, affordable sticks that we highly recommend you use, at the beginner level in particular: The STX Crux Jr and STX Exult Rise are our recommendations (not sponsored). As part of the program, each girl will receive a GLOW T-shirt along with a few little surprises for best effort!

Contact Coach Caroline with questions at caroline@selectma.com or (914) 815-2601.

Caroline ran an excellent winter skills camp for our 8 year daughter new to lax. She was kind, caring, energetic and my daughter learned a lot. She went from being afraid of the ball to learning how to pass and cradle to ultimately being very excited to join the town girls team. There she developed quickly into a strong defensive player and even scored a goal in her last game. She is excited to keep playing and we credit Caroline for giving her the drive and bug to want to play. We are thankful to have had the opportunity to train with Caroline and our daughter is excited to continue playing with her in the future. Thank you!

Parent of 8 Year Old Player

“Caroline, I just wanted to share the good news that my daughter made Laxachusetts! They let her know the day after the second day of tryouts. I really think just one private session with you made a huge impact. She told me she won all the draws (this was a struggle for her this past season) and had lots of goals and assists. You really boosted her confidence which is of course huge! Thank you so much. It looks like you are adding more GLOW clinics which is fantastic. I will be sure to spread the word”!- Mother, 13yrs old

Parent of 13-Year Old Player

Meet The Coaches

Caroline Hines Fitzgerald

Head Coach: Caroline Hines Fitzgerald

Caroline graduated from Deerfield Academy in 2003 as a 3x All-American in Lacrosse. She was a 4-year letter winner in field hockey, squash, and lacrosse. She attended Harvard College, where she was a 2-sport athlete on the Varsity Squash and Varsity Lacrosse teams. Caroline still holds Harvard’s record for most assists in a single game, and she also had the pleasure of playing alongside her younger sister, Ali, just a year behind her in school. Her father, Stephen, played soccer at Harvard as well. Her youngest sister, Maggie, played lacrosse at Princeton University, and her brother, Connor, played squash at Hamilton College. Caroline has years of coaching experience in youth sports, specifically lacrosse and soccer, as well as Thayer Academy’s middle school Boys A Team basketball team. Before pursuing a full-time career in coaching, Caroline spent over 17 years in career mentoring and advising recent college graduates to help them navigate their way through rigorous interviews to land a job they truly love. Caroline is a mother of 2 little girls, Maeve (6) and Keira (5), who enjoy lacrosse but prefer dancing or karate. You can find them pacing up and down the sidelines behind their mother and often giving pep talks and hugs to all the players, most of whom they have never met. Caroline resides in Cohasset and comes from an exceptionally large Boston-based family.

Alexa Kenney

Alexa Kenney

A four-year letter winner at Notre Dame Academy, Alexa excelled in lacrosse, cross country, and field hockey. She concluded her lacrosse career with 173 goals and 49 assists, totaling 222 points, and served as captain for both her lacrosse and field hockey teams. A two-time US Lacrosse All-American and EMGCLA First-Team All-Star, she also earned All-Scholastic honors from the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, and Patriot Ledger. An active member of the National and Spanish National Honor Societies, she played travel lacrosse with the Mass Elite Red Team. Alexa has two siblings, including a sister who plays lacrosse at Harvard, and nine relatives who graduated from Boston College.